Join us this summer

September 2025


Shakespeare on the Water is a Sausalito-based theater event performing live, abridged plays on the houseboat docks and shores of the historic waterfront.

Our mission is to continue the tradition of the arts and provide educational theater opportunities to both professional and rising theater artists.


In the summer of 2021, Issaquah Dock hosted our performance of Twelfth Night to a water-access only audience of kayakers, boaters and paddle boarders. In 2023, we held a gala and two water performances to over 400 audience members.

Stay tuned for the next production coming in late Summer 2025 or sign up for Summer Camp (Ages 9-14) with CIT Opportunities.


Our cast and crew are both rising local artists as well as professionally trained actors working in the Bay Area. We aim to include a diverse range of talents and backgrounds as a means to not only provide work for those who are pursuing a career in the arts already but as an educational experience for those who aspire to do so.

We know what we are,
but we know not what
we may be—
William Shakespeare